How 6 extraordinary Mailchimp customers catapulted their growth to new heights with Bonjoro

Oliver Bridge

When it comes to unlocking the next level of your business's growth, it can be hard to know which new strategy or tactic is the right one.

What works for others might not work for you.

But when a new approach comes along that works for so many, the results can be hard to ignore.

In this article we’ll walk you through how 6 extraordinary Mailchimp customers catapulted their business growth to new heights leaning into the power of Mailchimp’s third party integrations.

The perfect match for customer-led growth: Mailchimp + Bonjoro

At the heart of the extraordinary efforts of the Mailchimp customers in this article sits a seamless integration with Bonjoro.

Bonjoro connects into your Mailchimp account to let you send personalized videos to your customers at the perfect moment in their journey.

Let’s say you get a new subscriber to your Mailchimp list, by connecting Mailchimp to Bonjoro, you are notified to record a video for them, which you can do in a matter of seconds from Bonjoro’s mobile or web apps.

Taking a few seconds to send a personal welcome or thank you to that person is key.

It creates a spark of engagement you simply can’t get with a text based email, leading to more conversions, more replies, and more revenue for your business.

But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. 

What about these extraordinary Mailchimp customers, and how they are using this combination to take their business growth to brave new heights?

Let’s meet them.

Mailchimp + Bonjoro super-user #1: 

Andre at

How Andre uses Mailchimp and Bonjoro:

Andre uses Bonjoro when people join his Mailchimp list. 

He welcomes them by sending them a personal video recorded on the Bonjoro mobile app, and invites them to an event or to chat with him further on the mission of his organization.

He has 78% open rate from his Bonjoro videos, a 64% watch rate, and 32% of those recipients click the CTA to book a call with him. Incredible stats when compared against industry averages!

He told us an amazing story we just had to share.

Andre’s organization had a mega donor, who wrote a $5,000 check when he originally joined up. Andre followed up twelve months later - emailed, called, texted, voicemails: no response.

Then, as a last hurrah, he sends a Bonjoro video. The mega donor responds in 30 minutes with, "I love it. Want to get lunch?". Andre said after that the donor was super responsive, and is now a lifelong supporter of the organization.

Mailchimp + Bonjoro super-user #2:

Jane and

How Jane uses Mailchimp and Bonjoro:

Jane owns a small family owned winery. Who said Bonjoro is just for those selling digital services? It is now used by thousands of eCommerce and retail businesses too.

Jane chose Bonjoro versus other video tools, not just based on features, but because it strongly ties in with her brand ethos - about building relationships with customers, and making sure that each customer feels truly seen and valued. Customer loyalty and repeat purchases come naturally from following this ethos, and video is just an extension of her existing approach to deep-rooted brand values.

Jane actually found out about Bonjoro from a friend who received a Bonjoro video when buying from another eCommerce business. She was so wowed by the experience that she had to tell Jane - which shows just how powerful the experience can be for the recipient.

Jane uses Mailchimp + Bonjoro to welcome new opt ins to her newsletter called Welcome to the Chaos club. This brings more existing and potential customers into her community and increases the chances of further sales of her wine, and more word of mouth about her brand.

She also uses Bonjoro to thank paying customers by connecting Bonjoro with Stripe. Any time there was a purchase she has Stripe hooked up to Bonjoro and sends a video to thank each customer and tell them their wine is on it's way. If she gets busy and can't get to it, she has a different video template that she sends seven days after - still thanking them, but slightly tweaking her video to check if they are happy with their wine.

She even has another clever use-case up her sleeve. After a few weeks she sends a Bonjoro to ask for a review on Google - she uses the CTA button on her video to link to the google review page. This way, she keep a regular flow of glowing reviews that encourage each new visitor to take the step of ordering.

But wait there's more! She also has a Zap (using Zapier) set up with Gmail so when new emails come in to a specific email address (an email address specifically for inquiries and separate from regular email), then she gets a ping to respond with a Bonjoro.

Her results are incredible: 67% opens and 78% watch rate.

But as you can see, Jane's story is really all about brand. Creating customers for life of her winery that will advocate for her, and bring Jane thousands more customers every year.

Mailchimp + Bonjoro super-user #3: 

Nick at

How Nick uses Mailchimp and Bonjoro:

Nick runs a sustainable farm meats eCommerce business, with an average order value over $100. He uses both Mailchimp and Drip with Bonjoro, in the following ways.

His Mailchimp is for when his prospects create a new account (required for first purchase) or sign up for his newsletter.

He sends them a welcome video, from on the farm whenever possible. He says he loves the Mailchimp integration because even though he is super busy on the farm, the Bonjoro mobile app makes it easy to spend 30 seconds and do personal welcomes throughout the day. He does about ten a day, which he says fits perfectly into his daily workflow.

He told us that Bonjoro makes it easy to scale his video efforts because with different templates he can easily tackle different customer milestones with minimal effort, whilst retaining the super-personal touch.

Nick also uses Drip for second purchases and larger purchases of speciality products because he can trigger those Bonjoro tasks from tags inside Drip.

He says Bonjoro is the number one way he gets new customers responding and engaging with his brand, and that it’s this brand engagement that is key to his continued growth, through repeat purchases and word of mouth from happy customers.

Mailchimp + Bonjoro super-user #4:

Sue at

How Sue uses Mailchimp and Bonjoro:

Sue runs a content marketing business that sells to marketers and copywriters to help them develop their own copywriting based on the psychology of persuasion. She sells courses, and done-for-you services at various ticket prices.

She uses Bonjoro when leads opt-in to her own content downloads or fills in a form on her site. She sends welcome videos, but goes the extra mile by checking their social media profiles before sending the video, so that she can craft a personal message that speaks to their business, and perceived pain points.

With Bonjoro she gets a 79% open rate and a 25% reply rate, and told us she just gets way more leads responding and interacting with her than without video emails.

Mailchimp + Bonjoro super-user #5:

Todd at 

How Todd uses Mailchimp and Bonjoro:

Todd does public speaking gigs and consulting work with classroom based educators. 

Like many others on this list, he also uses Bonjoro to interact with new list opt-ins.

Todd says the biggest plus for him about Bonjoro is the mobile app: "my favorite thing, what I really love about Bonjoro is the ability to do it from anywhere. That flexibility is key".

Todd told us he gets a massive response from his videos, getting a huge 50% reply rate, which opens the door for more speaking gigs and consulting work.

Mailchimp + Bonjoro super-user #6:

Tamara at

How Tamara uses Mailchimp and Bonjoro:

Tamara runs a marketing agency called Studio Three 49. It's a boutique digital marketing agency specializing in copywriting, content creation, email marketing and social media management.

She is a self described superfan of Bonjoro, and much of her work is also focused on trying to help emerging companies create superfans for their own business.

Bonjoro is the perfect fit for her lead cycle, as she uses Bonjoro with Mailchimp to welcome and connect with new leads on her site. Her approach is to start with a little intro on herself and then to ask specific targeted questions to get to know her leads. Each question is specifically crafted for that lead, and she rarely repeats the same ones.

The key here is the targeted nature of the questions: each lead can tell that Tamara has done her homework, and each question deepens the level of engagement with her vs. her competition. After watching and responding to her Bonjoro videos, they are already experiencing a taste of what it's like to work with her, with reduces the distance to actually closing the deal for Tamara.

Tamara told us she gets incredible engagement and people really open up to the personal videos. She says a key recommendation she has for Bonjoro users is ask questions!

As an agency she Tamara feels like Bonjoro makes her cutting edge and that it's a huge asset to help differentiate agencies.

Join them by connecting Mailchimp to Bonjoro

If you’re inspired by these extraordinary results, why not join them?

Read how to integrate Mailchimp with Bonjoro, then send your first videos with a free 14 day trial.

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About the author
Oliver Bridge
Growth Grizzly
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